Yeah, a picture, or at least some description of the map. We just need some substance, otherwise it's something you could just put in your status...
Oh, I believe that's some effect on Blackout. No idea how, sorry.
Fellow Forge Hub community? So, you're a Forge Hub community too?! Cool!!! And this is borderline spam, all we learn from this post is that...
H3C - H3Customs Nevz - Last name's Neville. :D Yarly.
I know you interlocked minorly, but (And I hate to be the guy to say this) it does make everything better. Like on the highway, interlocking the...
That's insane, dude! I hate that game because it takes way more patience than I am capable of though...
Are you using Photoshop? Save a PSD version of the file, and I can play with the text if you want. I'll see what I come up with.
I like it for Big Team, but I'm not crazy about it. The main problem people have with covies is if you don't manage to get in a vehicle at the...
Um... I don't think anyone will be arguing with your logic of putting this in Halo Discussion... I think if anyone hasn't bought the Legendary...
That's a kind offer of yours, but I realize and accept my terribleness and am waiting for my inevitable Force Colonel. Back to Forge!
This looks like a great map, you've incorporated many different techniques, and ways to get to high ground, but I could do without sneak peeks....
I tested this with Furry and a couple other friends, and found no complaints. This map is just amazing, everything flows so well, and if you...
I'm not sure if I'll be able to, with homework, but maybe.
I've been reluctant to work on it myself, after all, it is a group project, so no. Sorry mate, I might later.
Ohh, be careful, double posting isn't so casual here. Really? What's your GT? As for the race maps, I'll offer what I can. First off, Race Maps...
I don't get it: you're a much better forger than this. Sure, there are such things as really successful non-foundry, weaponset-changed maps, but...
1. H3Customs is a site for playing custom games. We are currently redoing the site for version 3 (Much cleaner and new features). We've been on...
No problem. H3C stands for H3Customs.
I can only really help with the first question, regarding MLG. MLG is meant to be balanced, fair and competitive. That means you better put a lot...