How is a link to google considered inappropriate?
Im headin off the bed, ill be on after school at 12, my dad was on all night so i couldn't get ahold of you.
spam *just like the rest of the posts*
Yeah, that's the max. But you have it in a spoiler now so its fine.
Actually i have GIMP downloaded, but i find PS so much easier to use. I have finals tomorrow and my second hour is free so ill be on the computer...
Yeah its stupid when you stick it and it just gets thrown sometimes.
I just dont want frag women here, all she does is start arguments to boost her post count. /sigh I wasn't serious, and i can make a better sig at...
uhh i just recolored it and slapped some text and a border on it.
Yeah if you can find it. I accidentally pushed replace original. But i only use photobucket.
Now now, its not my fault whether you like guys or girls. Thanks, if i need a CnC ill be sure to put it in the title.
Check out that awesome new signature down there.
Its kinda long for a commercial, and why dont you lower your weapons? it looks better.
Actually its 500x200
Hunter your sigs too big anyway.
Aside from all the bitching, who the **** cares if we only spend $5 trillion instead of the usual 6 trillion (not really how much we spend) there...
WWIV Where i posted like 75 countries.
Its 10:28 here But i have to wake up at 6:30 so it all sucks lol.
Tl;Dr Brief explanation?
Just place something underneath it such as a column or a teleporter that's not enabled.
You get no points for being the last man? So basically whoever gets to be the zombie the most times wins.