So theres a huge statue of a 'female' and there is a death teleporter under her, the defenders spawn in her stomach (cant get out) and through...
Was it the "Omg your thread failz" or "post a picture" or any of those very helpful posts?
Im working on a map i think you'll like
have you seen it? theres no way hes fixing the op. IMO
Escuse me Mr. Moderator sir. *cough*lock*cough* hes getting help, so he should...
Played this the other day, and i wish you would have looked at what Mastar did to it. You have too many power weapons for such a small map. The...
What if someone is talking **** about someone elses gun. I think its fits, not to say, its very immature.
I didn't mean he stole the map, i meant he took your gametype, my bad. Also, i forgot to check the link, again my bad.
You need to ****ing chill hah. You get so hyped up off airsofting. Not everyone is a psycho nerd that wastes all their money on plastic guns. I...
Is your name Scorched Fire 2 on xforgery? [Mythic DLC] TremorsN'MouseV.2 - XForgery If not, he be stealing your gametype with no credit.
He said 90% not 100%. There is a difference.
YouTube - Lil Wayne - Told Y'all (Full) [new 2009] <7
They could stand/crouch in any of these places: [IMG] And thats just one picture.
What if they just avoided the man cannons? What if they just stood on a rock? What if they stood on the bridges? What if they went in the central...
How do we know its even possible? You said noone (including yourself) has every beaten it
My GT is the barcode looking one. I may send you a message or something, pre-TGIF
Why would he make a video if he cant take the criticism?
The URL is invalid.
This looks like a knockoff of crackdown.
Im not going to buy them, I played COD5, got in the top 50 for sabotage, then retired. I went back to COD4 and i like it more. I am going to save...