Are you calling me Pixie dust?
I havent been on for the past few hours, and im sure people have been talking, but this is whats new on Michael Jackson. EDIT: I saw another...
Yes, but lets say you a geek and people dislike hanging out with you as much, since its a small school, the word will spread faster. But it works...
The school i go to has 500 kids is my class (senior) but the grades below keep getting larger, the incoming freshman have about 625. I like it,...
It looked pretty good, until it got to the ocean part... Why would the ships half a mile away fire their cannons, all they would do it kill their...
[/COLOR] Wow that took a while, I like the story, but if you want it to be professional you need to show is through your typing and grammar.
Im with Sweeny on this one, sorry shadow. Every other thread like this gets flamed, and put down. The only difference between this thread and...
If a new member to the community were to post a thread saying forging sucks and he is stopping would you back him up? Most likely not, the only...
Thank god you made that post in shadows thread. I would have done something but i cant take any infractions right now. The only reason people...
The people behind the bridges are equipped with rocket launchers, and their objective is to shoot and kill the other team which spawns in the...
[IMG] I like all your graphics actually, especially the simplicity in many of them.
I want yer fingerrrr
Dont start to spam, your too new.
Map Posting Rules Threads must include at least one picture of the map. All pictures must be embedded. Download links must lead to a posted map...
You could use a bunch of double boxes and interlock them all at the center point. It would be extremely hard and i doubt you would ever come...
I got banned also, its gone.
I liked it also There was one part where the shaking went for like 12 seconds and that was alot, but other then that i liked it.. I would however,...
I have some ideas, and i forged a few things so dont start anything on your penor map, i have the updated version.
I say make a white version. And also shorten up the top, its very annoying when there are those sites with a huge border for every page.
Well if they gave us an undo button that (lets say) jumps you back 3 seconds, people will then complain saying it should be longer/shorter