Regarding the question about the rocket hog- It fires 6 consecutive rockets very quickly one after the other. So you can sweep the retucle and...
there is no AI we can toy around with, outside of firefight gametype customization. Invasion has nothing to do with AI. the saaaaaame tiiiiiiiiiime. this is epic news
you can disable them if you want, and you can set up your own custom loadouts for gametypes if you want to exclude some.
Spire Is used for invasion and zealot is midship re-imagined with an extra floor in the middle and the opportunity to get outside the ship into...
oh im imagining :)
Based on some stuff Shishka said at the Con, I think its safe to say that the flag carrier can ride in the Falcon. I don't know if that means...
OK, here goes my Comic Con experience for the most part, including all the little tidbits about forge not seen in the vidoc, that I can remember...
This just in: Shishka HATES the term geo-merging. He told me.
nope, its 3 in the morning for you :)
7pm PST tonight is the huge kickoff on BNet. With tons of images, video clips, info, etc.
Ill be there tomorrow. Its pretty much a foregone conclusion that forge will be revealed
thats an elite. no brutes in that poster. you can view it much larger at @bungietweets
yep. lazy eye, horse jaw, and an angel. I think those were their actual names.
Just saw that a few mins ago. Those are the three same girls from last years booth at the Con. I remember them all too well.
duuuuuuude need input on my thread in the hub pub cafe
Instead of trying to push one object into another, try just holding the object and strafing it into the dummied one. In other words, just move...
Agreed. Reach will be king for a long time because of its incredible versatility and ridiculous amount of customization. Halo 3 already has a...