heaven forbid people actually have to play a map now to see if its any good or not and not judge it by its looks. Forging, in any capacity, never...
nah but I just watched that episode and I almost VM'd you "ZOMG MAL HAS A WIFFEEEEY!!" ....but then I kept watching. that chick is hawt too though.
ZOMG i just placed who the HAWT chick in firefly is (Inara). She's Anna on ABC's V, the high commander of the Visitors. It took me 7 episodes to...
no, those are Bungie's screenshots. Not the reviewers', and its Bungie who's playing in them. Halcyon made sure we knew which ones he was in.
a couple different articles said the mission hearkens back to Truth and Reconciliation, so I think the high ammo count probably is a part of the...
Got my ass handed to me on this last night. I blame hax... or maybe my redbar. basically, it wasnt my fault at all. Im totally the best player......
yeh you get it ALL the time in Rocket Fight
that guy spent an hour on that ONE mission. I dont think we really need to worry too much about the length
They are objects you can forge with...just not on Forge World. Similar to the shield tube on Assembly not being available on other maps.
I have loose plans to remake one of the featured maps (Different Level). Its really old, but its still one of the best H3 maps to this date.
lol neither of those sound very appealing to me to be honest
what are they about?
i do. that vm was just far too broken up to add up to what you were trying to put together. what universe? firefly? is this show similar? is...
what the what?
MOAS! Im stoked for natural fauna. I hope there's more than just moa though.
generator defense is a firefight gametype. Its no longer a standard MM gametype. You play as Spartans defending the generators as the AI covenant...
I think thats the case, unfortunately. I hope not, but i think it is.
I just wish we could use those maps for regular old forging (not necessarily FF).
No, there's a short pause when you're unable to fire