but a lot of people give out teaser pictures for new maps.
okay guys, these are some teaser pictures for my new map- Infringe. This map has took a lot of time and effort with some very hard geomerges and...
dude, this looks too awesome. I hope the new campain will be great. Wouldn't that be awesome if they are coming out will a new matchmaking and...
hey could you lock this thread. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customer-service/39255-members-search.html#post509849 I already answered the...
wow dude. I really like the map. The paragon type feeling with the nicely geomerged boxes and the paragon type roof. Now, I pretty sure that this...
dude, this is a great find. I think this should be forging 101 section. Great job on the find and im glad to see you work that hard to be a...
Do you guys have another room for the weapons and spawns. I am really good with the spawning and the weapons. I could help if i am needed.
I agree with linu. Whenever I geomerge or interlock, I always have guides. Because I the pictures, I did notice also that I started a different...
Are you guys using the whole foundry, or just blocking off so you only get the main field?
dude, this looks ten times better than your first version. The cover you add looks great, I really like the new defenders corner and the new...
ya. I actually took me quite a while to figure out geomerging. But once i got the hang of it, it is pretty easy.
k. see you then.
was it hard to make?
hey ivory, I was looking at your map and that looked really well done. The geomerges and interlocks really caught my attention. If you dont mind...
wow man this looks sweet. The geomerging and interlocking look really well done and the layout of the map and execution of the layout and...
okay. When should we do this? Tomorrow?
Looks like a great map! But in my opinion, is WAY to crowded. The map has a lot of good geometry and a great layout but the map has a lot of...
okay wheres the video. Ill do it.
Hey guys, Why dont we start getting back on topic how about. As for the map. I loved it! Even though, I really didn't think the aesthetics...
Isn't that what i basically said?