Here are you pictures good sir. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Just quote me and then paste the IMG codes in your...
Looks like a great map Wonder! I loved troika, so i am probably going to <3 this one. The fish tank idea is think is a very creative one and very...
You forgot Bl00D F1R3, he is an awesome forger. I think the idea is great. So would it be like a tournament? If so there would need to be...
Sounds Like a nice idea. But I pretty sure it has already been done so far. You could have like broken structures and bridges made out of boxes...
Here is my almost finished map- Infringe. [IMG] ^Here is the new view of the tunnel. I added the ledges with the fusion coils. [IMG]...
have a good sleep. See you in the morning.
do you take any vacations to the US?
Have you been in Australia your whole life?
thats cool. I play baseball, basketball, and football in the great country of USA.
Taekwondo, really? That is like karate, right?
I know. I was just asking. Do you play any sports in year 11, linubidix?
oooo. i see. So linu, there really isn't any more promotions for you right? Couldn't you get admin? or is that not possible.
Are you ever going to show the pictures for you new maps? I am dying to see them. : )
I can understand that you just get tired of your duties. I mean, It is kind of a tough job if you think about it. Having to moderate and make...
ya. Look Forge Hub Halo Forums - View Profile: TheYavimayan Isn't that strange. Why is everybody retiring now?
lol. It was good, thank you for asking. Wait, the yavimayan just retired?
I know. It wasn't done by me guys. I just want to show you the youtube video. It is not mine.
Hey linu, How you doing this fine evening, right?
So there have been a few people around here who want to know how to geomerge the crane This is the...
also if that doesn't work for you. Here is a video I found in youtube Its pretty good.