Gotta say I'm loving this design, it's unique, it's got style, and there are some things you've done that I haven't seen in alot of maps....
Yeah I might try and move things around and if I can do it, I'm putting a roof up. Not saying that you're going to see a v3 (though it might...
The map I downloaded had a teleporter in the center hallway =/ Wtf? I don't mind going into forge and removing it, but I just thought you...
Sure I'll put it in this post by the end of the night. But for the connector cables, I used scalfoldings... sorry if it's mispelled.
It's not the sword, just go to sword spawn, look down and you will see the design in the floor spinning
Honestly I just like their music.... that's all there is to it.... Miley and Jonas bros suck.... =)
The last 2 pictures are not the same as the top 2. The top 2 pictures are in the sky bubble while the last picture is in the crypt and the other...
Hey the map looks amazing. Aesthetically it's perfect, I don't know how gameplay would be but I'll get back to you after I review it. This kinda...
Im just tired of hearing about michael jackson. It's all over the news and media and now it's all over on a halo 3 website?? I wish death on no...
Broken freeway from my new map that I'm finishing up."][IMG][/URL] NOT MY...
Explain this
O rly???? haha No offense, but I don't believe that ur avatar is a pic of you.
Wooooow.... owned I Just have to comment on this post. Just... wow. You... you put him in his place =)
By calling people non-believers, you ARE trying to convince us that god exists. Also, don't say we're trying to ruin lives because we feel left...
Um is this suppose to be serious? If not then... hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaaaa. But I'm tired about...
I agree with you I mean I thought he was dead but then I hear things about his body never being seen at his funeral and rumors that he's in Cuba...
LIKES System of a Down, Slipknot, T.I., Lil wayne (older stuff), Rage Against the Machine, Dethklok, The Game, Snowgoons (screw-off if you don't...
Your thinking of Blast-Off Zombiecow. Similar concept, totally different game. But anyway the map looks like a lot of fun, but doesn't seem like...
Blame the kid, not halo. If anything, tv and video games desensitizes people, it doesn't make them violent. If a kid goes berserk like that, it's...
See now this is why I don't like discussing religion. The way I think it should be is, "I believe whatever I believe and don't care what you...