I really like the idea of the multiple islands [IMG] I'm also really hoping that there are no more remakes, I don't want to pay for a map I've...
Alright, I think I'm keeping the columns =)
Thanks, I hope I can have mine finished soon enough. Oh and I posted new pictures today.
I like how this is looking, Im liking what you've done with the grass especially. One thing that bugs me though, the arcs you used are only...
I've always wondered why shotty snipes was considered a good idea for the Snipers playlist. Whenever I get a game of shotty snipes, people camp...
Hey did I play with you when I was with Hadokenchild, testing his map Frailty?
Well it looks like you have the overall design and weapon/equiptment/vehicle placement finished. So what else do you have to do?
I like the ideas you have for aesthetics, like the columns in the second picture. I haven't seen that before. Right now it looks like this map is...
Hey I remember joining in on a forge session with this map. It kind of reminds me of storm the beach. Just you know, smaller and without fusion...
I don't mind but please don't just mirror image it, if you know what I mean. Like don't make the exact same platform make it a little more unique,...
Definition: noctilucent cloud - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Yea I may replace the lights with a custom power up but I'm experimenting. Oh and thanks
As you can see, this map is still young. Im currently in the planning stages so if you have any ideas or advice to give, please comment about it....
Don't get me wrong, I loved "The Last Day" but, this map looks alot like the actual **** zombies map. I like this map for the aesthetics so I'll...
If you can get a party to play this map with, do it. Trust me if this was in matchmaking it could be compared to Utah Mambo. I like this better,...
Elite, can you private message me when your finishing up The Dojo?
I nominate these based on aesthetics and gameplay. Frailty Longevity Prodigy
Hey sorry I didn't post a link, I just don't wanna move around too much in my share. Do you still need a link?
Thanks. I'm glad it was above average haha. Hey what kind of flaws were there in the map? I'm working on a v3 right now.
Hey just out of curiousity, whatever happened to the review on my map, The Dojo v2?