Im not mad haha. I'm just saying it's not too big of a deal, I'd be happy too but I'd rather not brag about something that everyone else would get...
Ever since bungie day ended (5 days ago) people have been tending to show off that they got recon way too much. I could care less if I didn't get...
Gameplay is more important than aesthetics but if you leave bumps or areas that are hard to navigate or move around in than it's an issue. Also, a...
It's gonna happen don't worry about that. Of course, I cant remake the whole thing but I'm currently making the central structure where laser and...
It's a 45 sec video..... The clips are nice but anyone could make that. It's nothing special sorry =(
People please don't leave comments like these, I respect your opinion but either way I'm doing this. I know that there are a lot of people that...
Ok I've never seen or heard of someone doing this before and when I look into it, I wonder why it's never been attempted. Onto the idea, now as we...
I think it's an okay attempt and I also thought to remake Guardian. It looks pretty small compared to the original Guardian and aesthetically, it...
I'd really like to see a "Play Dead" perk. It may be cheap but I'm sure if they made that a perk that they'd give a way to tell if the person's...
If you invite me I will play with you Donii. GT= Urban Myth XXXX Just send a FR or invite.
Honestly if Nintendo could accomplish that then the Metroid series could easily compare to the Halo series in popularity. After I saw the Haloid...
I'm definetely liking this map, I can see the influence of a couple of maps. are you adding railings to the side walkways? Because everyone will...
Thank you all for the comments, I'm almost ready to begin the second story of the map in the bases. TFx KiLl3r, would you like to help me with the...
Any news on new maps being montaged?
hey you got it posted. I defininetly think the improvements you've made from Extinction really helped. Got a couple of games in and it was nice.
This thread is for posting your best moments from Bungie day 09 including stories about the biggest WTF moments or just unbelievable things that...
Hey watsup. Did you get the video up?
what crawled up your ass and died? I'm asking a legitiment question; Why is the sniper's opposite even involved in the team snipers playlist?...
Originallity... that's all I have to say haha. This is badasssss. I don't know how gameplay would be but I mean this is the most original idea...