Oh, maybe it will. I was going to fix it up a little anyway.
Thanks, but problem how?
Just going to show the highlights of the map. It's not even close to finished so let me know what you think of it so far. Oh and no overview...
Ok, thank you. They said nothing in the forums at their site, or at least I couldn't find anything about it.
So he can be found on radar haha. While the guy is trying to camp, Dark Fios is exposing their position.
This episode disapointed me. There were a couple out of place like #7 for example, it's hilarious but that's cutting it close to the idea of a...
Sandtrap heavy has guass hogs, but you're right about Avalanche sadly =(
Dude don't spam this, it's annoying as hell. Oh and if you were too blind to realize, a Halo 3 map remake just happens to be featured on this...
Like late last night, it was in the A.M. where I was.
I would have if you were online haha. Just message me today whenever you're on and you can have a look.
I like this map, is it new? I haven't seen it around. Oh and what's that song damnit??? It's gonna bug the hell out of me haha.
Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details I was surprised that the map played well with 8 players total, it's hectic but you still have time to breathe....
I'll forge $200 worth of the map
Thanks for gettin the vid up. you made a typo though haha
SOAD for ****ing life >=) I really like the wooden hallway it's unique and it grabs attention. But the center looks open and unpopular. As in, it...
Wrong prefix man. But the map looks badass and seems like it'd be amazing for slayer. The bases look a little bland though, you know what I mean?...
Why has no one commented this yet? This is amazing heat. I love the carbine tower and the lift to it. This map's design reminds me of some older...
Nah it's fine. But anyway, how would this map look for 4v4 when I add the second floor?
I hate little kids on xbox too, well unless they're cool (there are cool ones). Also, I hate wHeN pEoPlE tYpE lIke ThIs. Also the word Haxorz...
Ok for the people being assholes, I have one thing to say. **** recon armor. I'm not jealous of the people who got it. I'm not trying to be a...