I think its fixed now Changed the pics over to photobucket from Halo screenshots should be OK now
For some reason the screenshots are intermittent I put a link to the thread on High impact halo up in the original where it says Screenshots....
The pictures only work for about five minutes and then they don't. I don't under stand
Whats wrong with the post??
Sniper/ Sticky training map Good practice map for the harder skills in Halo 3 Download Map Description: This is a map made for Sniper and...
I downloaded the Legendary map pack and now my heroic maps are gone, am I the only one???
Looks good, I've never seen the original or even know what game it is from but your work looks clean. Good job.
How on Earth does this get to page 5 in 2 days? Are there really that many new maps being put out?
The hammer is actually pretty hard to get and stay alive with. You don't last that long right in the middle there
You don't just have to grenade jump but the option is there for players who want to. There are two grav lifts, 1 on either end. As soon as both...
Map Title: Octomus Interlocked map for FFA, Team Slayer, Oddball and King of the Hill Download Map Description: Octomus is a combination close...
Another good job, I'll download
I've got alot of positive feedback on XBOX live for this map, thanks alot!!
Great map for 1 on 1, had a blast with my buddy
Can I get some feedback from someone who has played the map. Already working on another one and want it to really shine.
Wish I would have known, this took me an hour to make!!! lol
Map Title: Standoff Unlimited Budget Standoff Canvas map with unlimited budget glitch activated Download Map Description: Rember not to erase...
I wanted the teleporters under the bridge to be lit up and the only way to do that is to have the sender node as well. I also did not want...
Map Title: MERGE FFA and Team Slayer also good for oddball 2-16 Players Download Map Description: MERGE uses the latest in interlocking...
There has been a few downloads, any suggestions from those that have played it?