This is kinda a recreation of of another map of mine Golden Temple. just a lot bigger and it's in the crypt not the sky bubble. The map is 100%...
This is for sure this maps rightful place. The map your about to download has never been seen before. The gametype as well is pretty crazy. Jump...
It would be great if i could get a sweet gametype to go with this awesome map. I know you guy's here at forge hub have some creativity going on....
My current rating is 1659 I believe and I have a silver star with a one in it. Can anyone tell me what this means.
I was curios if this map had mlg potential. The only thing on it is br's and grenades right now. It's also a little bumpy around the (X) so I...
This map started out an aesthetic map over time it started seeming like a slayer map or some kind of of special gametype. unfortunately all i have...
The Gametype is called the FIYA. The gametype is VIP One Driver One shooter.Every team spawn at a different point in the map. Run around and try...
I Think this is one of my better looking maps. I can't say it's great but I can say it at least has some aesthetic value to it. Its basically a...
No Merging here folks just save and quit. Save and quit. Save and quit. Sorry I zoned out must be all the repetition. Anyways this map is a...
First off I'm outa pieces and money just so you know. I have redone this map several times ending on this version. The idea is simple the city...
Whats up folks this is aesthetic map weather you like it or not. It's about 95% symmetrical it's a little off. The tree of death is your center...
The drive hard map pack comes with 2 maps all distant cousins to lavapit. I can't take credit for lavapit but I can take credit for these creative...
Yo peeps what up this map does not have very much ghost merging in it. I personally think it's an awesome idea and concept maybe someone's done it...
This map is very close to the actual size accept for the whole rim around the outside is small I ran out of money and pieces. The gametype is...
This map is for 4 people maximum. Lot of fun though 5 rounds king of the hill 1 sec. in the hill then starts new round. The design of the map in...
This map is strictly for people that like flying! Don't download or comment if your not into this type of map. For those of you that are this map...
This map was designed for slayer 2-12 players. Its got A medium size hallway running down the length of the map and it's got a tiny hallway...