@matt Its called worldguard mah bros. Blocks creeper explosion. :D Also: can protect regions so only the maker can add/remove blocks in the region.
Anyone play some Escapecraft 3? :S
Shadow, Im posting on your profile because I need moar British in my life. :S
Oh my GAWD. Just finished interior of my house and it looks amazing here are some screenies. [IMG] [IMG]
No, Penguin + Elephant + Donkey = best horse evar
You can haz zebra donkey.
Winrar. Essential for modding ****. :S
Well my server is more of a build cool stuff server + mobs ya know. I build my house mostly legit but its not cool getting everything legit for a...
[IMG] My sexy countertop in my house on my server. I used snow covering ontop of the obsidian. I edited the lightstone to a lightbulb block. :D
Newbie to running a server? Error messages and guesswork are what start you off... You will learn.
"so we put a tree in your tree..."
[IMG] Mah Tree [IMG] Inside What should I do with this?
Doku Texture Pack: dokus' RPG texture pack [V.1.2 RELEASED]!! 09/09 - Minecraft Forums MCPatcher HD texture fix [Jan15: custom portals, fixed...
Matt why do you have creepers all over your website if there are no creepers in your server? /troll
Crashed pelican looks amazing. Almost as if you put it there. Beautiful scenery and a ton of fun to play on. 10/10
[IMG] My sexy Fireplace.
Mining Bros was created for Matt to keep track of people on the whitelist. The community is just the people who go on that server. What if people...
I can see the pics just fine, weird. Not everyone wants to go to mining bros to chat about MC. As you guys assume that everyone goes there you...
Yep that's Mochasun's weird cactus dude.
[IMG] Uploaded with ImageShack.us I think that gets at what I was saying....