I hasn't seen any weather yet. :p
Idk im going to keep my 1.4 and have a separate 1.5 jar I guess. Also idk if I already told you but i got the mo records mod and have 24 more...
I was thinking about doing that. I really wantz teh Aether. <3 Also that cat mod is pretty cool. :S
[1.4_01][April 6] Lahwran's Mods - WorldEditCUI release - Minecraft Forums You nub, check it out. Its like teh best thang ever. Also dl'ed Ropes...
Im rocking Zombes, pistons, Superslopes, Zans minimap, Wildgrass, and once its updated mo creatures. Aether is coming soon cant wait!
Pistons can move blocks when a current of redstone is applied. Entities such as minecarts and etc. will be pushed along. Sand, gravel and TNT can...
Running Minecraft 1.3 with Mo creatures, pistons mod, Super slopes, Zans minimap, fly hax, and elevator mod :) Waiting for Biome Terrain mod to be...
Armor lock is not overpowered in any way it just slows gameplay down. Sprint, Evade, Jet Pack all speed gameplay up where as armor lock slows it...
Poopstain... that is all.
Get on minecraft, noob.
You have a point but.... Your spawn is within whats already generated. I went to 9000.1 and saw the 3 waterfalls. For the bigger saves its a...
Awesome.... +rep
Im in a eerily poorly lit cave, I look around only to see that my arms and legs are chained. My clothes are tattered and burnt. I hear voices...
Japan …
BukLau.com - Asian soundboard insprired by the OwnagePranks prank calls!
Now I can give creepers hugs (while using diamond armor) :D Edit: If Matt wants all mobs but creepers he can go into server properties and change...