Hey! what'd I say about double posting? Please stop, I know you want feed back but you'll have to be patient
It was eleven downloads.
I'm glad to say the Splat forum on BUngie is back up, but I lost 70 Dls and 11 reviews and my5star rating... Oh well.
Re: Global Warming: The Truth Even though the change in temperature will kill off species of animals and plants. The extra heat will be...
Re: Earth (Puzzle Map) Omg your puzzles are so hard. I feel like such a failure when I can't get them. =( But I won't ask for help, cuz I want to...
Re: Grifball Tournament!!! Im gonna get some of my friends for team 4
I know this sounds like a lazy answer, but you should just call apple.
Re: Global Warming: The Truth I don't care whether global warming is real or not, but I know that not polluting in the ways we are could not be...
Re: Grifball Tournament!!! Allright I'll do it, gamertag is I959 white sox (first letter is an eye not a one) Dibs on team four.
oj, roery I always thought that plasmas were the more expensive one, then I change my opinion, get an LCD
It depends on whether money is an option, because lcds are less expensive and last longer. Plasmas have better picture but are bad in many other...
Re: Global Warming: The Truth whether or not you believe that global warming is happening, there needs to be a change in the attitude towards the...
Re: Max's Mingame Map Pack V1 (Death by SUMO!, Kwulball, Ruin Crater v2) I didn't say it was bad, just not that original, because its pretty hard...
yeah, there may also be a hammer version and one that focuses on grenades. But something is wrong with my bungie forum. I may have to make...
you're supposed to just stay alive when the zombies try to splatter you
Re: Max's Mingame Map Pack V1 (Death by SUMO!, Kwulball, Ruin Crater v2) Indeed, the sumo map is the best. Great job interlocking the arena to...
they,want to go through the teleporters to get kills
looks like a really cool map. Those ramps up to the house are nice. Also, does the elevator shaft work? 5/5
Don't double post super goose berry just edit your last post
okay, I think that you should always be able to beat your own course, but its okay that you have at least beaten all the courses individually.