I'm glad someone made so e new gamelly for grjfball instead of making a minigame that is basically grifball, then say their map is original. Your...
Re: Soccer there are some maps that give the VIP high gravity so he can't get out of the box they spawn in, so threre are no honor rules. Sorry...
Re: Soccer firstly, dont double post freeze fry your posts were 30 seconds apart. The unlimited budget glitch makes it so he can use more...
Even though the weapons room can be used in infection, it can make the map very unbalanced in other maps.
I don't know why, but this map makes me happy. It looks very well made, and I like all the little houses.
There's no really right section for these types of maps. Also I don't think the pic is working even though people can probably already figure out...
This map seems good, but it doesn't really give me the Wal-Mart feel. It needs some more aesthetic quality, otherwise good job.
It looks like a decent map, and you followed the the map posting guidelines, which is getting less common. However, some better pics could be...
This looks like a good map for close quarters. Some things could have been interlocked though. A nice map for a new member, and I'm glad you made...
Re: 4 Layers This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so...
Everyone give him a break until he can get his xbox back. We don't need this to be a " u need pics" fest. He shouldn't have posted without pics,...
I agree, if you are going to use an idea that is not very original, then at least make sure that the map looks really great. P.S. Your map could...
Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry) Wow, that map looks amazingly complex and awesome. I was goint...
Re: "Above You!" (Infection map) This looks like a good map, and its nice to see a map made on Construct for once.
Can we have any details on this masterpiece? Is it anything like Contreversy?
Okay, I already explained this, but I guess I'll go into more detail. On the pit, right outside the shotgun rewspawn is a little ramp that you can...
Ok I know this is off topic, but I just had to say it. I was on you tube looking at hiding tactics ( people playing cheaply in halo ) the grifball...
Re: MAP PACK [Hide n' Seek ~ Lift Wars] yeah, balance is key. And since the map isn't blocked off no one will stay going through the lifts. First...
I know most of the spots you listed, but one I haven't heard of is the guardian one where you jump off near the big lift and land on a tree really...
Oh...... *dies a little inside* That was a little harsh. People in Halo 3 matchmaking take the game way too seriously, which is why I like to...