I apologize if this isn't in the right section, but i think i'm alright. Anyways, I am making an MLG map pack of 5 maps based off of Gears of...
Block Fort vF made by Rest in Pieces Players: 2-8 Gametypes: MLG TS, 3fCTF, 3-Bomb, KoTH, Ball, Multi Team Slayer I have released this once...
Submersed by Rest in Pieces No gametype specific; just MLG v2 settings (Team slayer or FFA but only 1v1 and 2v2) I haven't posted on forge hub...
I like egggggggss
[IMG] Made by Rest in Pieces Story/Description: When i released block fort, double deck was suggested for me to make as well, but i just didn't...
Pro's Nest made by Rest in Pieces gametypes: TS, koth, ball, hh, stp, ctf (3-flag) For the record, i can't get the koth sequence to work, and...
Perplex v1.2 (New ceiling, hoping to help the frame rate issue) made by Rest in Pieces I hope the thumbnail works this time. Edit: and it...
Block Fort v2.1 (looking for feedback) BLOCK FORT v 2 . 1 Could a mod change the title of my thread to Block Fort v2.1 please? created by: Rest...
Revelation Map Pack - 2 new maps, a v2 Map, and a screwaround warm up map The revelation map pack is my final release for halo 3, and hopefully...
Antisaint - DL created by Korlashh, sketched by growlingrevenge from mlgpro Supported Gametypes: GB forge 1v1 and 2v2 Description: This is a 2...
MLG Insatiable Created by Korlashh note: I was already compelled to revise the map cause the spawns were bad so i redid them and added the...
MLG Pendelhaven v1.1- DL Created by Korlashh Supported Gametypes: MLG TS, Ball, KotH, MLG FFA Map Description This map is a 23x23 crypt MLG Arena...
Anyone ever thought about remaking ghost town? one that would NOT include some of the pointless walkways and ledges such as that tunnel where...
[b]MLG Docks[/b] Created by Korlashh Supported Gametypes: TS, Ball, CTF (Nar), KotH, MLG FFA Map Description: Hey all, this is my final map to...
MLG Impurity v2 <--Download Created by Korlash The entire thread is edited Supported Gametypes: MLG TS, CTF (a fast paced 5-flag gametype), 2-4...
MLG Eventide- Download> Team / FFA Created by Korlash Supported Gametypes: FFA/Team slayer, and oddball only, 2-8p Map Description I am not...
MLG Cubic <<click to download (or there's another DL link at the bottom) Created by Korlash Supported Gametypes: 1v1 mlg slayer (use a team...
MLG Oboro Created by Korlash Supported Gametypes: Team slayer (2v2/1v1) or FFA slayer (3-4 players) Map Description MLG Oboro is a small mlg map...