OHHHHHHHHHH that explains so much ya I didn't see it.
I made a lame german valitines card for my gf and she made one for me.
Why would you want to make people feel bad. How is happiness a sickness?
Sounds like a good idea I would totally love this. But there would be bugged out the butt if the made i.e. Under and out of map, camping,...
Still have Matty pulling for you that something.
Township is slowly losing to Manifest. OH NO
Those are very sexy. Personally I would change mine as to have multiple colors(i.e. Red & Green or Blue & Red or maybe even rainbow).
Thats like practicing halo with dumbies.
Why are you spamming?
Cool gonna see if I can get the warranty back though.
Ya and the warranty is expired.
My xbox is broken
OMG your gray.
Hey Mr. Orange your back.
BTW FH RPG server is down.
I looks like everything on the map can be deleted so I wouldn't get to upset over it.
ok I see.
IDK always wanted to I guess.
If you host TGIF again can I be your co-host.
Why are you retired Matty?