I'm right there with you except I'd be the father.
I would be killed to can't beleave he has the oudactity to do that though. @do both
I feel so bad for you. You should record some of his other stuff probably pure gold.
Pt. 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJVEpPc89NQ&feature=related Pt. 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUzzCpHKYb8&feature=related Pt. 3...
An Italian doctor completed a brain operation despite having a heart attack after realizing his patient would never recover if he stopped the...
That was so bad it wasn't even funny. Most were set up and all had the little bar pop up at the end. Can't tell if it is a joke. Hope it is though.
Also for almost every single mission you can just use the spartans to get through the level because they kill almost everything and when one goes...
I found it rather bland. Here is how a game goes. Step 1 make warthogs. Step 2 once able to afford tanks buy them. Step 3 win. Rinse Repeat.
Or maybe your a day fast.
Wow me and you almost have the same birthday.
I like this idea. If it works and we get enough vids. One question though who would run this?
I don't think that they are corrupt because that as the definition says bribery and what is there to bribe with on FH. All though there have been...
Very cool
Where you working now
Congrat Grif
WTF you premium agian
ya Sorry I was playing xbox, eating food, working, kissing girl well maybe not working but haha lol
Then what is it?
Here they let you smoke at 16 but not buy cigs at 18
Oh cool