Not sure if anyone posted this yet, but I searched for it and didn't find anything about it. But here you go. Halo 3 ODST [spoiler]
Amazingness. YouTube - StarCraft II Old Rivals Trailer [HD] (Rate This Game)
Ocean's Abyss [IMG] Swimming in space [IMG] Heaven's Path [IMG]
Prologue for my upcoming series The 503rd. If you have questions PM me. I used Bungie's render video thing. YouTube - The 503rd Prologue: Movie
Don't really know what other people's taste of music is, but I enjoy this and would like to share it with the people of Forge Hub. YouTube -...
Not really sure if the Graphics Contest is still going on, but I still decided to draw something. I'm not done, not even close to finished. Yes I...
So I got a pen tablet today and started playing around with it. I decided to start very simply with just some sketches and fonts I made up. Very...
Used a screenshot I took. First use of PS CS4. For some reason I couldn't get color. First time using a stock. CnC please. Experimenting a lot....
For a project in my Drawing 4 class. Scratch Art. [IMG] Enjoy. Oh and for some reason it's really small when I put it on Photobucket.
Both were drawn by me for my drawing classes and were drawn in my sketchbook. I just cropped it a little so you wouldn't see the ripped spiral...
I was bored so I decided to make something in photoshop based off of something I drew in my sketchbook. [IMG]
Here are some recent screenshots I've taken using the grenade effect in campaign. Open [IMG] Cover [IMG] Warzone [IMG] Bowling [IMG] Goosin'...
I know a lot of people don't like sigs having the focus in the center, but I planned this before the discussion started so I decided to do it...
Hey, this is my actual first sig. I know it's not the best or even close, but i think it looks alright. CnC please and please don't be to harsh....
Yeah this isn't really a screenshot, it's a panorama. Don't know if this is the right place to put these. There are also no effects or lighting...
These aren't sigs, just some stuff I made while at a camp at the Art Institute of Indianopolis over last summer. We had to pick an animal and...
Here are some screenshots I've taken through out the year of playing Halo 3. I also have some panoramas that I've made, but I can't find them...
COLLINSVILLE, Illinois - Pranksters in at least three states are messing with electronic road signs meant to warn motorists of possible traffic...
Alright first I wasn't really sure where to post this because this can be debatable but also doesn't have to be. But we'll see as people discuss...
Yeah, so I decided to post some random sketches I've drawn in the past. Here they are. Oh and these only took about 1 to 2 hours to draw, so they...