SOTW [IMG] it took me about 20 mins prob more (actual working time) CnC please
this is my 1 that i tried its not the best its overly simple [IMG] i thought id try this week
i made these in abou 10 mins when i was tring out a few new brushes V1 [IMG] V2 not shure if it is sized properly [IMG] tell me what you...
1st version [IMG] 2nd version [IMG] yea be kind and tell cunstructive critisism its a sig to do with "Halo 3: PORN" YouTube - Halo 3: PORN...
these are all done at the same time so its got the same effect purple effect [IMG] heat vision [IMG] yellow + purple [IMG] scoped up [IMG] ,...
this is my infinate money glitch map on sandbox under view [IMG] side veiw [IMG] second side veiw [IMG] if you want to make an fx have an...
has anybody got an idea of how because i dont trhing teres an item that pushes others into the ground if you knbow what i mean
well is there? also i just dont see what stacked realy is
im kind of tired of somtimes running out of money for my maps on legendary or possibly even mythic but whats the best way to do this im talking...
well i know alot of people know how to geo merge and alot of people dnt i know the basics with doors and wot-not but ive seen awsome maps that i...
have you ever lost your map and its one of your faverites but u delte it by accident and u dint realise till one of your freinds asks for it...
i need ideas for the last map of my instakill map pack called "Life" Map 1: Heart - a well merged map no geo Map 2: Deadly Turtle - a well merged...
before eny1 says nooband puts a link to the big thread about it, ive read the whole thing i have a few question about it (map geo) 1)...
i yook theese playing with a friend on halo when we just learnt there were ghost on halo and i just played through and found some realy good...