Is your gamertag Barefootabe?
This seems really cool. I'm gonna have to check this one out. Very creative.
Heh, when I first saw your Masterchief... it reminded me of the very first episode of Doctor Who that I'd ever seen. [IMG]
I set all the gametypes on this map, including Slayer. I was only able to test about half the gametypes, however I wanted them all to be playable...
That's Biz... I do remember. There were still some glitches with the map then but I've since worked the bugs out. I believe, during that game,...
Soggy, as I said... it's already been created. It's in my fileshare. Look for Gopher Holes. This is an honest-to-God attempt at adding a new...
Stargate Temple: Formerly Stargate Worlds v.3 ← Click Here to Download [IMG] Stargate Temple - A map of the Mjolnir Battle Tactics Forge...
Imagine a floor with two holes in it. When you fall into one hole, you come out the other. This is simple enough. The tricky part is in making...
Ok..., this is not a map posting so please don't blast me for not posting images. I don't really have any to post. This is simply a...
I wouldn't say that is a fair statement. I like infection because it allows me to just have fun and goof around. Most of my friends are very...
If you will permit me, I haven't downloaded the map so I cannot say how it plays, however it does look interesting from the images. My only...
Looks pretty dark.
I haven't downloaded the maps yet as I ended up working a double yesterday... ugh! Anyway, my only question is what are Blackout's boundaries like?
Thank you Mallet. I didn't see this as it was near the end of the thread. You're also right though in that the contradictory rule sets can and...
This is really going to vary considerably from person to person based on any number of criteria, including skill, ingenuity, creativity and...
Folks, I just wanted to take a moment to discuss some observations I’ve made regarding Forgehub posting. I’ve seen several new members ridiculed...
Try setting the outpost to Defenders and the rest of the non-zombie spawns to team 3. I'm not sure if this will work but it seems like it might....
The post does meet the standards, however it is recommended that images be embedded rather than linked. It just helps the presentations and makes...
I thought this map looked really interesting. I just wanted to point something out to everyone though. The "Read Before Posting" thread details...
I uploaded Stargate Wars v.2. Corrections were made to the alpha zombie spawn as well as a teleporter glitch that was reported. It appears that...