YouTube- Medal of Honor - Extended Announce Trailer (HD) Better version of the little glimps we got.
[IMG] Finally! been trying to get something right for donkeys now, and i'm proud of this. CnC please!
Big Read Inbound: SEC filing reveals Activision is dismissing two "senior employees" of Modern Warfare 2 studio for "breaches of contract";...
YouTube- AMAZING CoD4 3D Editing Awesome effects. Those 3D landscapes and models were simply amazing.
YouTube - Original Asda prank call, Tesco is Cheaper featured in the sun newspaper LMFAO.
[IMG] forgot to post this here. My first of this type of abstract so to speak. CnC? Thanks!
Well, I'm not totally abandoning MW2, and I'll still play it quite a bit, but Call of duty 4 is where my gaming heart lies. MW2 may have cool...
Take A Look At How Project Natal Actually Works - Project Natal - Kotaku This holiday season peeps!
[IMG] hahaha.
YouTube- We Were Call Of Duty 4 I miss CoD4. . .
YouTube - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Battlefield Moments Part 3 Trailer [HD"]400 Bad Request Epic.
YouTube- Modern Warfare 2 Mythbusters: Episode 1 woop!
Been a while FH GnA, although i've still been lurking. After a long session of MW2, i remembered my GFX roots, and dug out photoshop for a crack...
Some lucky sod in france got his MW2 2 weeks early, and F2ST nicely uploaded some footage for us. YouTube - modern warfare 2, leaked ps3...
Recon Tutorial - by J4M-NUTST3R on DeviantART I didn't go into depth, but my other tutorials have the effects and how to use them, there are...
[IMG] I'm inclined to say this is one of my best, but i'll see what you guys think ;].
[IMG] It's a bit big, but it's vector so i can size it down. This is for a school project, we are to create a business, real, no BS. At the end...
[IMG] Meh. CnC please ;].
[IMG] [IMG] First decent thing i've turned out in about two weeks. Tutorials are appreciated. CnC please ;].
[IMG] For a SOTW, the theme was 7 sins. CnC please!