I cant wait to get a party up and ready for this ! The pictures make me want to download it.
All very true everyone wants the armour but im actually happy with my armour it looks sick =D
I tryed to do this but failed terribly. Good job ! Saved me probably a year of forging...lol
The map looks awesome Matty everything was placed carefully.
I named the pictures now.
Map Title: Palooza Home Home of the legendary hero ! Description: Palooza home is a map of my own designed house. Each part of this house is...
Alright i added some information about the gametype.
Map Title: Palooza Version 2 Is that a ................!!! Respawning in 3 Seconds. You never know what can happen. Description: Palooza Version...
Its a hot topic on bungie.net so you may have clicked it before. Thats just my guess. Am i allowed to reply to your comments, im new to forge hub...
Ya sorry about that im a little new to this so im trying to get thee feel for this forum i have about 5 more pictures to put up.
Map Title: Doomed When in doubt bring out the sniper!/Doomed is a uniquely made map that was designed for the slayer gametypes. Any slayer...
Ive actually played this before it was ever really popular it was fun then and still fun now :squirrel_rocking:
This map is just amazing great job !