Re: Facility 007 I love remakes that are not from the halo games. It's also pretty sportsmanlike that you talked about someone else who did a...
I like how you didn't use all power weapons. Your right about people who use too many weapons on their maps. I was about to post mine, and then...
Good action pics! But you kinda have too many action pics and not enough outlining your map.
Re: battle zone More pics would help
I havn't played this map yet, but there is one thing that I would change. In one of the pic you have two floating bridges that meet eachother in...
Re: Steelworks Looks you spent the time necessary to make sure that everything matches up properly so that your map is clean and playable. I...
What do you know, a map that isn't on foundry. ;) It doesn't look you cahnged a whole lot except for where the original rocket spawn was.
If you clean up some of the bumps I think it is pretty good.
Thanks for all the support guys! I do pride myself in how perfect the walls flow together, but it took a LONG time to match everything up right....
I'm kinda new to the whole forging community, so this is the first remake of Foundation I have seen. Looks pretty good to me! I used to love the...
If I had the sniper versus someone with a laser, i think I would win every time! :P
Just like some other people said, more pics would help. :)
I could picture 10 spartans rushing for that sword in the middle. Excalibur!!
Re: Quarry Looks pretty sweet man. It was kinda funny, when I saw this map on the forum page the map right under this was titled "The Quarry"...
That is a lot of interlocking, looks like you spent some time on it. Nice job
Re: The Quarry. The little sunroofs in the tunnel add a lot to that portion of the map. Good idea Skride! Queued
Link to map: Drivers Ed. Alright, this is what you are getting yourself into by downloading this map. Drivers Education is a original map created...
Halo on a parking lot?!?! :squirrel_wtf: That is just insanely outrageous! Haha Sounds fun
Sweet map unreal. I like how you used the power-ups to show which base is which.
Link to map: Hide Out V.2 Hide Out V.2 is a assymetrical slayer map dominated by a long hallway bisecting the warzone. The hallway has a total of...