lol thats happened to me before, i was playing on a modded map and i couldn't use this vehicle glitch that i knew
wat are you talking about? I didnt use any mods to get the vehicles in
lol yeah, but the ghost can splatter other vehicles too. Just not as many as the chopper can.
lol i guess your right
Im no modder, only glitcher which is why I think that glitches can beat mods anytime.
Lol, i would also like to add another reason why the ghost is my favorite vehicle. I like it because it can fit in many small places that weren't...
In rocket race, there is supposed to be only 1 elephant. Two elephants is for games like Team Slayer or Capture The Flag.
Plus, the Hornets machine guns will be a lot weaker.
yeah, he's right, both elephants only apear in team games. Usually, in regular games, there is only one elephant. Its not a glitch.
I like snowbound, i think it is awesome!
yeah the elephant is great but im not gonna like what they are going to do to the Hornets on the new upcoming maps. I liked the Hornets better...
lol that would be awesome
lol no problem, im gonna see if i can get the wraith in there somehow
yeah well, this is getting a little off topic. i just want to know if you can use a wraith to fight the final boss of halo 2.
no its not!
lol yah
lol i still have my N64 and my favorite game on it would probably be Super Smash Bros. or 007 Goldeneye
lol yup!
yeah but it's more fun that way.