This is a clip of compiled game footage, cutscenes, and other choice media I compiled to promote Darr Torm's (my) upcoming machinima, Dreamweaver....
that was pretty good, overall. The music really made it work, I think. I would've made a few changes, namely a few choice pictures didn't...
that was taken in forge, whilst attempting the "weaponless" glitch. I picked up (or more accurately, didn't pick up) a Gravity Hammer and ran...
I'm not certain what I'm looking at, but that's a very cool picture. I'm guessing the humor is part of what I'm missing...
fumble was noticed because the the body turned into Stretch Armstrong immediately prior to the shot.
I'm glad these finally got put up! Most of the camera positioning was done by me (for both our pictures), although titaneve's pictures were of...
Like a-groeper (titaneve) said, Vegas is a million times better than WMM. It takes just a little getting used to, but the results are superb....
Sorry to hammer on you, your first or second post and all, but this is riding the... FAIL BOAT!! [IMG]
In other words, stay away from ME. :squirrel_evil:
*speaks for titaneve as he's elsewhere* Someone he shares his photobucket account switched some stuff around, and he already tried redoing the...
Spec Op, he didn't make this for bragging rights. He made it because he got the idea and wouldn't stop bugging me over it until I relinquished...
As you say that adults should respect the rights, as people, of those younger individuals, doesn't it work the other way around? I know it asks a...
I have to say that "Mad Scientist" is my favorite of the bunch. The others, while interesting, just don't scream 'awesome' for some reason....
I would hazard a guess you didn't take the time to read through this entire topic, but I'll humor you. The Borg are a cybernetically-enhanced...
Great Scott!!! U haz teh skillz, man! No seriously, those are freaking wicked! How did you light the things? Whenever I try carving like that,...
While I think this theory deserves exploration, I don't see any definite reason for Bungie to implement it. Thus far, Halo has drawn an...
Epic background, but nothing stellar about the warthog itself. Bland, but extravagantly so. BTW, how does one get panoramic shots such as these?
While I appreciate the effort you put into this map, it really deserves a lot of work. Like many have said, far too many of the boxes and key...
I currently hold my highest rank (I don't remember which, I've slept since I last read) in Lone Wolves, but only because I played it forever...
Looks like a very good map and game. Nice use of interlocking, although the "arena," for lack of a better term, is visually unimpressive. I have...