VENTURA V3 By: HLG Quagmire Ventura V3 is a remake of my first map, Ventura, which absolutely sucked. It wwas very messy, lacked aesthetics, and...
I'm gonna need 11 people including myself. Here's my idea: On (undecided map), the opening scene will be of the blue team hiding behind barriers...
I realize there is a "best song" thread here, but as many pointed out, it is very biased due to personal preferences. Here, you just name your...
I bought a capture card, but I have nothing to record, so I've decided to make machinima(s). I just need some ideas now, preferably funny ones.
I need some help beating every campaign mission on Legendary except The Ark and The Covenant. GT: HLG Quagmire
I'm currently a 21 in Doubles, and was wondering if anyone could help me get to a 30 before Monday. If you're willing to help, please post in this...
Okay, so I had two different ideas and wanted to try and make them into maps. I have almost everything planned out, just need help forging. If you...
These are just some random renders I've been making in PSP X2 during some of my free time. Tell me what you think, rate, comment, give...
I need someone to play serious Team Dubz with me, and focus on leveling up. GT: HLG Quagmire
[IMG] This is an awesome picture taken by Connor142. I posted it for him because his computer sucks and won't let him join ForgeHub. Connor...
Screenshot: [IMG] Is anyone else getting this?
Just as the name says, I'll be forming an HLG clan. I need at least three members to start with. 1. You must know at least a few hiding spots on...
Alright, so, I downloaded Foundry Clean. Noticing that the budget wasn't immediately at $0, I thought it wouldn't work. (It was at around $350.) I...
I'm trying to make an interlocked roof out of a double wall for my map, but I have no idea what to stack in order to achieve the proper elevation....
Is it possible, as of now, to cause a Mancannon to continuously rotate?
Hey, this is my first ForgeHub map... Ventura Recommended Number of Players: 4-12 Recommended gametypes: Any Slayer-based gametype Weapons:...
Anyone wanna play some HLG in Team Doubles? Post here, or add me. GamerTag: BillEatsYams.
Hi, I'm BillEatsYams, just call me Bill... Or Yams. My name says it all; I love HLG.