Paintball Arena: A deadly neurotoxin is manifesting and killing off humankind. Safe inside this warehouse, why not invite some friends for a...
Wow you have certainly put a lot of time into forging and I like how you used several different maps. The one that most caught my attention was...
Your grammatical errors make it sort of a tedious read. I would advise rewriting your description. Any way I'll download and tell you what I think...
Oh I see. My bad I apologise BiznisHippie. @TXGhost: yeah I realize that the bases are extremely sloppy. I was running out of walls and such...
You're kidding, right? I took the code from that thread and changed it to suit my thread. Just because it's not the same exact code doesn't mean...
Beaver Crick: A remake of Beaver Creek Aspects: Accurate weapon placement Two Bases Creek & bridge Two-Way Teleporters Set up to play as...