going to need a little more info please
Done well, scripted events can add a lot of character and uniqueness to a map. Which is great because it makes your map memorable and stand out...
Of course its not a glitch, what would make you think that. How come everything floats downstream? Because its programmed too silly
Death barriers would be awesome! you could lay them on the floor to stop people getting out of your maps or to make people have to stay on objects :D
there is LOADS of glass in the campaign!
woah seeing those screens has taken me back! i used to think they were awesome graphics but times have changes eh. Id love to see a remake of face...
Its a bit crazy....... but one way to remove an elephant from play is to make it take off. You know the old trick of filling it full of explosives...
New skins for the objects. Not heaps neccecarily, but a choice would be nice. Im getting pretty sick of seeing the same old green boxes and rusty...
please can people do this its about the fourth time ive clicked a link hoping for an answer but getting a question...
Its always going to happen im afraid. I havent posted a single one of my maps yet but its sad to see dishonest people out there who will steal...
Re: Elevation? and Lifts? there was a previous post about the evoulution of forge, and one of the improvements thought of would be to allow...
wouldnt standoff be a perfect map for a paintball arena. especially in the centre of the map with the small hills and heaps of natural cover...
we tried this a couple of weeks ago and couldnt get it to work. we went into the middle underground room on snowbound and filled it with max...
This doesn't just apply to the maps that they put on there but the screenshots too, but ill stick to the maps seeing as its forgehub. But anyways...
hitting a football with a hammer tends to send it off at a very high angle making it difficult to hit anything
THIS HAS TO BE DONE i cant stress this enough
with a creative mind, forging can never get old. the only problem is that the only decent building space is on foundry. and yes those rusty walls...
didnt mean to post here sorry :/
no way that easy??!! thanks for the uncannily fast response. is there a search engine for the forums because i cant seem to find one?
Apocalipse NOW (well, 30 secs)