I think scripted events are good. they always can make the game much better. The most common one used is the fusion coils, you can also you man...
I really dont think we will ever be able to breal the limit the time and amoutn of time that it would take to figure something out would be very...
it looks nice but i recommend you have some of the walls and floors connected together so there interlocked, so its one flat thing because usually...
Ok first put power weapons out in the open away from areas where they can be used to over power the person easily, they have to get to the key...
Let me see for foudry you can try to create a elevator by placing 4 grav lifts or man cannon's in a perfect rectagular shape. So then you place a...
every object is possible for every map with more cash and higher item limits for each object so instead of 16 walls you can use 32 walls. which...
Looks nice but need more pictures unless thats the entire thing. Also it's to small for me just a personal opinion.
I could help, just pm me when you want to do it, i love making zombie maps. I live on the east coast
IDK but the pics they seem to be working for everyone else
Link to the Map has been posted
Death Walk Link to Map:http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=16898743 Hello everyone, this is my newest map created mainly for slayer...
Ok well that doesnt matter i have the guide book to the game still, with all the temple design's and town design's so when ever you want to make a...
Re: Star Wars Droid Federation AAT Tank make the top taller, since you can see that yours is way lower to the image.
I think we should make a sticky for money glitched maps sooner or later, since people are starting do to them on other maps too.
I like it also I really havent seen any 2 story mazes, so thats something better then the other maze maps and you filled it up. Nice job
Do you have the game Zelda: Majora's Mask then I can give you some ideas on that one and maybe make a map together. Still havent beat the game...
Yes they do if they are screwed up, and there's to many of them. Also they really just are annoying sometimes, because your killing someone then...
Re: PaintBall v2_ UPDATED OK guys all the needed fixes have been fixed so has the variant. ALso you cant spawn camp or kill people anymore so...
Nice map dude really like, but it looks like someone has a bit to much time on there hands lol.
Re: The House of Horror!!! Like the map and the pictures really brings out the map and gives you a good idea of how it looks.