No, if you delete any of the items used for the glitch then you wont be able to place anymore
pics are too small and u double posted
yh i like this, i like the way you added onto the original geometry. i would dl if i had legendary map pack, but ill dl when i do have it
yh i suppose a whole map would be hard.. well just what the others said, small parts of the map in detail, that would be great. anyone willing to...
I was thinking about what would help a person new or less experienced at forge to learn and get better. I came up with this idea. A really...
cant see the photos
looks gd ill try it out. it and 1st post
someone who actually reads how to post. Good post and map,(if your going to make a V2 or just another map, try interlocking if you dont know how,...
Try flipping over the boxes, looks better. over than that the map looks quite good im going to dl!
great design and interlocking im gonna have to try this. dl
looks good im dling but it looks pretty to get out of, or are you supposed to go behind them walls?
woah, best map i have seen in a while. u got my dl
looks gr8 im gonna dl in a minute.(like the idea to have 2 maps in one)
i think it would be good if it was possible to make, the only problem is money and item limit.
Well a couple of weeks ago, i was playing h3, just forging and i found myself outside of foundry. I dont know if this is completely new but i will...
looks great, im downloading now cant wait to try it!
just seen a vid on youtube where you glitch just outside of foundry. while he was moving around, i spotted quite a big space for forging. Im not...
i know how to get unlimited budit now but is there any way to get unlimited items? otherwise theres no point.
looks good but is it to scale? and are you going to upgrade it and stuff?
i ticked all of them except the last. forge is the best thing ever to be on an online shooter.