1. where should i post this? 2. Sorry i wasn't aware my post was LYING to you.
http://halotournyz.com/Forum Hey guys, check out my new website, HaloTournyz.com. It offers online halo 3 tournaments in: MLG Grifball Rocket...
Not sure how that happened, but i fixed it. Thanks.
Thanks and i took your advice on embedding all of the pictures. I assumed people would be annoyed to scroll down that much so i only added the...
MLG Carbon MLG Carbon was made by me 6 months ago, i just forgot to upload it. It has loads of interlocking and geo-merging. It works well with...
new pics added edit sorry didnt realize last post was by me and i cant figure out how to delete this one.
i would but there is no more money it just cant be helped
is that a joke? I'd like to add that the only maps you have posted are symmetry and symmetry v2. u double posted symmetry v1 with no pics and v2...
k thx for the advice guys. oh and id like to point out that number 1 i ran out of money cuz unlike some people i prefer not to use the infinite...
Let me start out by saying this was named after my good friend Jon "RkH Blind Side" who passed away recently in a tragic car crash. Give him your...
WOW! how many wrong statements can there be in one thread? do u just suck at life or are you oblivious to all descriptions in this threads along...
i made it hit the barrier of the level... and i also ran out of money. i used every dollar making the map hard to escape and functionable. the...
wow thats not a **** comment... stop with the flaming sarcasm, just say you don't like it sheesh.
Oh the space is not much of an issue, because the warthog is gauss and it can get a view of the top floor from certain angles and if you fall down...
the only parts requiring it were in the stores walls to make sure they fit and to add in a twist. i fused fence walls into normal walls so you can...
wrong again, gameplay on this map is great, especially slayer and infection. Team slayer is good, because one team spawns by escalator and other...
sorry but you ar incorrect there is interlocking and the escalator has a mancannon hidden behind it causing u to slide up unexpectedly. it works...
Thank you very much. i never realized i needed to click "go advanced" appreciate help, and sorry for original improper title.
i cant seem to find "edit map" sorry could u explain where this magical button is. thx
thank you for agreeing and i was having "technical difficulties" like i stated before. Sorry :(