The fall-to-your-death feature is definaetly good. I remember hearing a month or too ago that somone was going to publish a complete remake of...
Dude this is just like Albatross. Albatross Hill
Re: Different Level WOW. This looks amazingly well made.
Okay i was planning on using this fro a LAN party, but the download f'ed up or something and i didn't get it in time fro teh party. I did however...
Dude you could make a PS3 next to it and have console wars. (make sure to slant it so X-Box always wins ;)
Looks pretty well made and nice post. Nice use of interlocking and timed map events. Will DL.
Re: its a pooping aligator ROFL i'm hella downloading this.
Yeah soon someone will find a glitch to get past the kill walls and tons of new stuff will come out. Wut is this item cloning thing? I've never...
omg this is awsome. i love the power supply, that's a good detail.
The ones in the cube are attacking though right?
I don't really think its sloppy, but is there anything really special about it? Is it just floating platforms? btw thank you for labeling some of...
This looks like a really good map (especially since TDF wants to feature it lol).
I played a map that used these areas like 2 months ago. It was an infection map that was extremely frustrating if you didn't understand the map,...
Embed the pics dude.
Okay when i saw the name i groaned to myself and accurately predicted it'd be an assymetric fort based map on foundry. However i was pleasantly...
lol like 2 months ago there was a map on The Pit called Twin Towers and within 15 seconds of being posted like 10 people asked for a name change....
Looks very original, and i think you did what you set out to do fairly well.
I'm having a LAN party this saturday, and this looks like the perfect map for it.
Yeah dude u should take a photo with a bunch of fans and some band members. That'd be sick.
Theres a stickied topic in all map forums for "how to post ur map". It has TONNSS of useful code. Very creative btw. The construction also looks good.