WOW this looks amazing. I'm definately downloading this.
lol i didn't know people where posting their maps on GFaqs... can u imbed pics there?
This looks cool, but really doesn't remind me of a prison yard.
Re: Human vs Covenant WITH PICTURES It looks oaky... i like the walls merged with the ground.
I like the name and story. I wonder how this compares to the one by Kapura and the other guy. Also there was a featured map called Cabin Fever.
props for using one of the old maps, especially Snowbound, which is commonly thought of as the worst map ever (even Masterchief thinks so).
This looks intense.
Re: Lemmings (small mammals with suicidal tendencies) LOL i worked for like a week on this zombie map that i hoped would be epic, and as soon as...
Could you get some pictures of the ship you mentioned?
This looks sick and i'm glad u used Trissault cuz it looks great (i've never actually played it)
Actually now that i think about it i remember seeing a map i think you made that had one room that had green lighting from teleporters or...
You seriosly have some beautifil interlocking and i like the parts where u have to crouch.
I think a Furious Review of this would be a good idea. Also the pics are working for me now. I like the way u positioned the weapons and the way u...
That portal is a great feature. For some reason i can't see some of the pics.
This looks kinda cool, but what it reminded me of is the fact that there hasn't been a multiplayer level in space since Halo CE (Boarding Action...
LoL me too. I figured it was someone flaming or something... I agree he needs action shots but i don't really think it looks unfair. For...
Re: Bunker Hillv3 Just from looking at the pics, if i was an attack i would just spam nades in those windows. Does that work/do the attackers...
First off nice post. Secondly the weapon caches may not be a good idea cuz they encourage camping in those spots (kinda ironic). Teleporters also...
The flag capture thing is a good feature. I remember using it on Zanzibar and throwing the flag through the gate to a waiting warthog.
Wait where there any major changes to this map when you updated it? I have the original one and was curious if i should re-download it.