Hey, need help on geo mergn ae.. jst not cuttin it 4 me..
Cool racing track. I lost my XBL. but ill d/l.
I love the elavaters. I have been trying to come up with a conceipt for a working elevater, but then BAM! Weapon holders to stop it! Absolute...
Thanks for all the comments :)
MNM1245. All these maps have completely different gameplay. and in no way are the same.
Thanks for all the comments I appreciate it. Please rate on Bungie.net thanks!
Nice going. your one is more complex than mine. But hard to tell from screens. Idk if yours is beta dan mine.
Remember to rate and D/L on Bungie.net
The Links.....................ARE ON!!!
Super Trooper88, The only person I know that has posted in this thread is Yuross; apart from that I do not know anyone else. But I hope you D/L this.
Im glad my Map Pack is getting atention
kk. Cant go on till tomorow. wea i live its 10pm atm and i tired so i gonna go. l8erz. ill play wit u sum time. u gota sho me.
That's ok man. Just don't do it in future.
I see you have failed to meet criteria of NO DOUBLE POSTING. You may have a account ban of up to 24 hours. If you need further advice PM either me...
Welcome to ForgeHub. I see you have failed to meet minimum Standerds. There MUST be a link towards your EXACT file. not your whole file share....
kk My GT: Detailed. weabouts in the map?
U serious? Oh well i know how to get out of Crypticplasm but Cryptonics? U gotta sho me on LIVE sometime.
Anyone keen?
Hey i'll be hosting a Detailed 1v1 Map Pack challange for anyone whos keen. I'll take on any challenge on all my maps 1v1. It will be Tuesday 22nd...
OMG I just rememberd that I didnt put a D/L Link on it!! I will have to do it first thing tomorrow... So sorry