So it is tornado season in Oklahoma, and Saturday we had an EF-3 size tornado (The largest is EF-5) that hit a town, and has killed 6 people, and... One of my favorite songs from their new album.
So you're the douches that ruin RHR?
[img] I made that..
Soo.. its been two weeks.
They said that they are trying to get the game to be able to run on lower-end computers, which is a plus for all of us.
The Steven Seagal Show #002 - YouTube The ****?
Uh. We are talking about the game, not Kickstarter. Sooo yeah. Get on-topic. Go there and it will show you.
Welp. I fixed it.
Someone doesn't read. If it doesn't get up to 60,000, then no one is charged for money. Try to not troll and actually contribute to the...
Halo: Reach - Getting to Fileshares (AchHntrDotCom) - YouTube fllr?
Exactly. If you donate 40 bucks (I think is what it was) you get the game when it comes out. I'll probably do it.
Its a modded gametype, which isn't allowed on these forums. Sorry bro. =/
So you know Minecraft, Right? The Dead Linger by Sandswept Studios — Kickstarter Lets just say that there is a zombie version coming...
Can someone link me the music video of the old people partying and doing drugs and ****?
I don't mind at all. :D
I want the audio file of the whole "****ing Alien Ninja Turtles." skit, just to trololol Turntable and make it into a ring tone. I usually keep my...
Baaaahahahah! "****ing! Alien! Ninja turtles!"
Wait. Nevermind. Void this post. Herpity derp