Diddy Kong Racing. GTFO.
They did.. listen to the very end, they are talking about his name.
RoosterTeeth picked it up. Incoming downloads Game Night: Halo Reach - Armoured Walkers - YouTube
Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative - YouTube [img] Did not see that coming Also, Meet the pyro. Also also, Its only for PC, according to...
Promethean Vision? I thought it was supposed to be Forerunner Vision?
This. Anon or Lulsec. This is just a generally bad idea. And what Stevo said, The Internet doesn't belong to anyone. Not the US, Not EU, Not CN....
As the real world shifts continuously further into the virtual one, more and more issues of legality and Internet rights come into question....
Yep. :D Also, GROUNDHOG DAY. Groundhog Day - Horror Recut - YouTube
Alright, So I have just stumbled onto something that is quite genius, actually. It shows how deceptive movie trailers can be. Here are a few good...
Makes sense. Heh.
:| Whats the difference? Why couldn't people just use the thrusters for jet-packs? Seems kinda... eh.
Now that I think of it, Do you guys think that giant tire thats on Sarge's back on RvB is going to be a Jet-pack, or the Forerunner sight? The H4...
What Halo 4 needs to do as of right now, with the information that we have received, is remove Jet-packs, and implement Double jump. :| Does the...
1. Day 'N' Nite - KiD CuDi 2. Tom's Diner - Suzanne Vega 3. Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz 4. Handle Bars - Flobots. 5. Forgot about Dre. - Dr Dre...
Yeah, That one is a Water spout tornado. Looks dangerous just because it went over a river, sucking up the water, making the tornado look...
That video makes me want to go up to one of them and ask them if i can shake their hand. After that, I'll tell them I'm gay. [IMG] Click...
****ing. Lol. Don't turn this into a flame thread on Elite. He is just wants attention. Exactly. Thank you.
I'm not sure if many of you know about what has happened in Oklahoma, but a Tornado has hit last saturday, and it killed 6 people (3 which were...
Alright, So the Westboro Baptist church is in oklahoma, picketing the funerals of the people who died. 3 of them were children. Westboro Baptist...
MINECRAFT FAIL, A Minecraft Parody (18+) - YouTube This is what I do on minecraft.