I laughed, But how long did it take you to get a game that it actually worked out the way you wanted?
/warps only work for Donators. I doubt you'll find it, cause I don't even remember where I put it.
nope.jar - YouTube
I heard that you, BT, and Ford got on the server and looked at it. You like? Oh, Its finished now. Wiring and Everything. As for aesthetics, I...
No Church In The Wild - YouTube So this would be a good song if The Dream didn't **** it over with the terrible autotune. It has Frank Ocean from...
Incoming photo dump. [spoiler] Its finished. Just need to get a few games on it to test balancing issues. Also, You should re-blog it if...
Minehub 2012.
Its cause those are the normal Elites that you see in all the other halos. They are the "Rebel" Elites or some ****. Not called Rebel, but they...
Yeah, I was late to that, but its still funny as ****.
Start from the bottom. [img] I think Tyler won this battle. Edited by merge: Did you hear about they made a movie about this?...
Well i figured that was the reason why it was sped up, but it seemed a bit too fast at times cause you knew what you were doing and was already...
Dispense snow blocks and arrows, and have a light/sound que to notify everyone that someone has crossed a line.
Yeah, It has more stuff on it now, and I really need to get around to doing the wiring. x_x
I don't think those were killcams. I think those were just friendly cams, like when you wait to respawn you can flip through your teammates cams.
It was moving a bit fast on some times to really know what you were doing. If you Commentated it, it would be a bit better IMO. The quality was...
Wasn't just me. Friction is doing the stadium (It still has a ton of work to go asthetically.), I did the arena. Still needs to be wired up. But I...
Steve Aoki feat Kid Cudi and Travis Barker - Cudi the Kid (Cover Art) - YouTube An old-ish song, but still good.
So you'll let him overrule your admins? Also [IMG] Whoever guessed Pro-bending is right.
What kind of Leaks?
Cause your subconcious mind seen the quote with pac's name in it. Now for the armor, it looks cool IMO, but a bit distracting, which could be a...