I did reblog it.
[img] [img][img] [img] O****.
I think I'm going to favor the Carbine. I really loved it in H3, but it seemed a little underused.
Why don't we have RIGs that we can plug in an SD card to and listen to music wirelessly?
So this Thruster pack, Is it going to replace Jetpack AND evade? So you'll be able to thrust after you jumped to go upwards or something?
I didn't like any of those. :| and what do you mean OF/NMH?
ɹǝןooɔ %0˙2 - 0˙2 ɔdd Edited by merge: ZOMG ZUFALL! #2079
One thing I don't understand you guys saying is that you want more colors and textures to use, but if you have an ass ton of textured blocks, it...
Yeah, They are Precursor. Precursor - Halo Nation
Thunder, Only because I live in Oklahoma.
I wish I was an Australian
It seems as if gay.
I did too about a week ago, bought it at Wal-mart for 5 bucks. Today I watched Cast Away with Tom Hanks. One of my favorite movies of all time.
pfft. Baha.
Yeaah, well its kind of hard to make a good looking cube. I think they were trying to give it the look that it has in the comic, which is here...
So while I was looking around on Youtube, I seen this in my recommendations. It is based off the Comic that follows Doug Rattman, the man who...
So we got 3 or 4 games of Pro bending yesterday, and its pretty fun IF everyone knows what their doing and obeys the rules, since there are a ton...
Had Harley from Epic Meal Time, and The Law was the Main guy from 5 second films. It was okay, kinda weird.
Why'd you remove the video..?
So I got bored today and made a loadout dispenser. With a press of a button it gives me full armor and all tools. Pretty simple, but useful.