Thanks for the other tip! To really see how well these tips work you can look at my map, The Warehouse Version 2.0, somewhere in the competitive...
We were strongly trying not to overload the map with power weapons to make a longer more even battle. There are many BR's btw, there are around 4...
Yes! When making my second version of The Warehouse (My Map), I was using this technique and for the corners, instead of putting the box on the...
Re: The Warehouse Version 2.0 You know, it was tough, all the debates on where things should go got to our heads. That went there mainly because...
Re: The Warehouse Version 2.0 Thanks!! There are two active camos on the top floor of the houses, which can be reached by the grav lifts, which...
This map was originally placed in the "For Show" maps, but is now here because its also set up for intense combat! As seen in the Bungie...
Ok, many people have noted that this map should be playable, and It was originally for show, but it is 100% playable, and really fun! I am...
sorry guys! wasn't sure how to embed pictures to now!
As seen in the Bungie Forums!! Download Here ----->The Warehouse V2.0 Version 1 reached over 2000!! Lets start with the main view of the map...
Thank you all, I will try to post some more useful stuff!
Everyone has a hard time placing walls, including my self, and for many reasons! 1.They look crooked from the side 2.They are alwasy falling...