oops i forgot to edit name after previewing this post. The name is killswitch. sorry As the planet Reach and its brave defenders were bombarded...
Proximity Authors Comments Well its been a while since i have made something quite like this. For a long time now I have been stuck in a...
Here is the long awaited remake of Zone 67 changes include:- -Fixed Respawn bugs -Fixed Respawn rates on weapons and powerups -Removed plasma...
Here is the long awaited remake of Serenity Valley Changes include:- - Gap in roof has been blocked off - Respawn Bug fixed - Aesthically...
Here is the long awaited remake of Killswitch. Changes include:- - Both Swords have been removed - All Spike grenades have been removed - Both...
[IMG] Think Rocket Race combined with Red Bull Air Race lol. Basically works the same way as Rocket race but its one person (VIP) to a team....
As the planet Reach and its brave defenders were bombarded to rubble, a single underground structure survived the chaos. Could this be ONI's...
To Download Click Here - Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Map feautures a number of raised platforms ideal...
Stalingrad - a unique foundry remake ideal for all slayer and CTF gametypes. Preferably shotty snipers. Fight your way throught the ruined city...
The 'UK Forging Network ' is a UK based group dedicated to creating, finding and enhancing the best peices of Forge to date. Interested? Please...
Not your usual Foundry map. Battle your way up the winding slopes of Serenity Valley in a fast paced and action packed slayer or CTF game. I...
Hey guys im a long time forger but first time poster so bare with me please. Zone 67 is a unique remake of foundry ideally set up for 1 vs 1 or...