make this sexy Somebody make this look sexy. I need some inspiration for my sig making [IMG]
Here are some of the things I have made over the past... they range from terrible to great. [Older to Newer] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Here is a new Bob Dylan sig I made, I can't figure out what is missing. I am not very pleased with the way it turned out. Constructive criticism...
"I Knew It" Contest Well, I find all the bickering about this new map editor thing very interesting. There are many different thoughts as to what...
For anybody who has the time; I would really like a sig that is simply letters. Not like a rectangle w/ pics in it like the standard sig. This is...
Well i made a thread about 2 days ago to showcase my noobish photoshop skills. This is my most recent stab at it and I think that it is definite...
[IMG] [v2] [Download] UPDATES *Defender's power weapons now have longer re-spawn times *Attacker's weapons have shorter re-spawn times...
[UPDATED] Here's the deal. I suck at photo editing; in all forms. Here are my first [edit] TWO Photoshop attempts. I am aware that it...
Hello community, in the process of making a One Flag Avalanche map I thought to myself, "Those multi-colored boxes, mixed every which way are...
Hello, If anyone knows me I have posted 4 maps here. I am a slow forger and I have like 4 projects going right now. I am posting this so that you...
Winged[click to download] By SPAGETTII Hello everyone, This is my most recent map and it has been finished for a while it has just taken me...
Hello guys, I am making this post becuase I was on the forum and stumbled across an interesting thread. It was a discussion on how...
Well here is the deal, i keep asking for help but my efforts are fruitless This will be my final cry for help. I simply need some ideas to...
To begin this thread I apologize if this is in the wrong section. If any experienced forgers would like to help me with the finishing ideas for my...
Yall wouldnt happen to know when a fella's warning goes away I sure do fancy my SIG gee..
QuickSand [v2] By SPAGETTII NEW SPAWN SYSTEM AND BETTER COVER. Same OLD QUICKSAND [IMG] Quick Sand is a small circular map with that is...
alright well i have a SIG!!! horray for me but there is one last problem it is tiny Ill run you through what I did 1.) went to bungie and...
I love all the fancy shmancy sigs that i see on the forums So if anyone could help me get one that would be great Or tell me how to get an...
Frosty Plaza Symmetrical Close Range Awesomeness Download It Here Description This map is is based around the center structure of Avalanche...
Cont0ur A clean, interlocked, MLG Based Map... Check it out Download Map Description: Cont0ur is an MLG based map made on Foundry. It is...