Oh yeah, your right... Sorry I haven't played this map in soooo long.
zTo, I suggest not to download it if you do NOT like filters.
The pelican is fancy, all the other stuff is kind of messy and it just improves gameplay.
Hmm, I guess so, the map is really more competitive-like though.
Map Title: Air Battle v2 Pelican vs. Covie Air Base, 1000 Downloads Air Battle v2 Description: Pelican VS. Covenant Air Base Human forces VS....
Map Title: Zombie Invasion Zombies are attacking the UNSC. Zombie Invasion InfectingZombie Description: Story: The UNSC have been trapped in a...
If all of you had downloaded this map, there would be at least 50 more downloads, that means many of you guys did NOT download. Go away unless...
Wasn't talking about you?
Thanks for the fair judgment with THIS post. Also, I'm not being a jerk, I was just looking at your maps and judging them without thought for...
Doesn't look that good for gameplay.
This map looks extremely sloppy, you should put a lot more time into it, dont just throw things together to get it done, take your time. Note...
Looks maze-like and bad for gameplay.
This map looks extremely sloppy, you should put a lot more time into it, dont just throw things together to get it done, take your time.
And I really suggest that you just close down this thread, put some serious work into cleaning up the map until everything is straight, and then...
You guys are really just jerks. I spent nearly 20 hours on this map total, not to mention nearly all the walls ARE straight. I'm not going to...
Updated map and pictures, looks much better now.
I used this method for the map in my signature, yet everyone says it sucks SOLELY because I didn't interlock, which is really, really, REALLY stupid.
If you ask me, interlocking doesn't look that much better if you try to use it on walls, which is why I don't do it on Snipania, but because I...
Straight walls DLC Map Packs only To make straighter walls, try using double boxes as guidelines, For example if you wanted a 4-wall-high wall,...
Okay, I'm updating it, currently I've added a gate to the death pit, and cleaner walls, going to finish up the walls and post it again.