Please, post in one of the sig shops on the first two pages of this forum There's several. Don't make an individual thread. kthxbye. The people...
Post in one of the 9230 sig shops floating around, don't make your own individual thread. I'm not saying it's a rule, but it reduces a lot of...
Can we just ban threads for individual signatures? POST IN A SIG SHOP! Unless there aren't any on the first two pages, post in them. Anyways, that...
first. one.
blur them and they'll be awesome
Hmm, well, in my opinion its tough to start a tut database because you really have to test a tutorial out to make sure it actually looks good and...
You should go to a sig request thread as there are several floating around, and I don't like it when people make single threads just for there sig...
The first two one's borders are terrible. Ahh. The others are quite good though.
While people were tired of them, they were much better then the one quoted. The c4d is way too far over the render, and it looks terrible the way...
wow, this is actually very good. Better then a lot of sig tutorials where they tell you to do something that's in the dark corners of PS and you...
I can't possibly give critique on this sig, I love dexter too much :D