erm, it has a border lolz.
[IMG] cNc pl0x
wtf why's y35 banned?
camofo. I can't imagine how to do the "running ants" background, and the tvs seem to fit the people that they are on. It's also easily the most...
oh my randle I was thinking about some while scrolling down I was like, what about history? Then right then I saw your post. I'm all for this...
omfg I hate gimp. I'd rather just not do graphics. I think I'm going to go on a deleting spree to re download PS and hopefully it wont be slow
Is it basically GIMP with PS looking windows and tool names and everything? But not the much better capabilities of PS, correct?
It just slowed my computer down way too much. It couldn't handle it. I'm back to gimp now. I think I might cry. My computer runs faster but...
uhm...thanks? lol it HAS a white cloud background?
yeah, I kind of gave up on it when I got to the text lol. I didn't know what to put but wanted sub text. The smudging is wayyyyy off and bad. The...
[IMG] went away from my normal style, it's kinda shitty :D
I'm using camino currently, but I think I'm going to switch to opera. camino has been slow for me. safari is worse though.
haha, it's cool. Nothing wrong with laser eyes.
I still lol'd, but this isn't meant to be a political thread :D
what do you mean mount? spoiler?
yeah, it's not meant to be all graphicy. Just a simple one that looks good and shows who you support :D
For anyone that supports him, feel free to use this sig. If you'd like your name or other text on it, just post in this thread or PM me. If you'd...
What's with the random references to dancing in spanish? LOL.
I know it's the kind of the effect of the whole sig and everything, but I don't like the pixels outline at all. So that ruins the whole sig basically