Big bridge are just for astetic ! So nobody want test it ?
wow good asset map ! I think you are the first guy who have forge a asset map on a lengendary map ! No really good job and still waithnig for a...
Hey men i take your make and i did a really cool version so if you want see it ?!! So great map i really love the concepts of the same structure...
Maybe sniper with 0 Gravity and full ammo and no grenade !
Maybe delete the teleport and remplace the sniper for a mauler because its a too litle map so delete teleport and sniper !
Maybe you can add more covers and all thoose things or just cool stuff !
I want to say i was inspired by Blood gulch and the center bridge looks like on my Map preview so its added , i think 2 warthog by base could be...
Looks pretty great and i really love your comic at the begin of the post ! Good base and i really love your drop station !
Ouppsss ! I just want to know ..... When do you gonna post this version ?
Ahhhhhh ! I need to change it again !
Looks pretty good for start i wish you could finish it before chrismas because i will be out of XL !
Hey please change name because i got a map i made and she nammed Equinox and i was going to put it on map preview so plese could you change it ! ??? !
Wow looks more cool than the first version . I could help you for the test and could you do a not MLG version .
Maybe with a modded gametypes but it still ilegal in your file share !
Wow looks so great to jump ! Good start , maybe add teleport jump and a vehicule jump to !
Ok srry for fast posting . I will waitning more time for your comments !
So the map will be name Cerberus after all comments !
When do gonna update your MLG Pladin post ?
So you said you are going to update it today but stil, have nothing !
Yeah i will set it up for MLG and tomorrow i will post the ALPHA version !