So Scobra you know your map Miami Nights ? Where she are ?!! I want this map !
Wow the tutorail gonna very help me for my next race map ! Thanks you !
Wow the first picture are so nice ! I really love the ark desing ! Avalancha are maybe the best of the two ! Cant Wait !
The race looks great to play ! But your first map are so mysterious , Maybe add more picture ?
Ok but for the gametype could you join my game and give it to me ? And great overview for Thus I Refute Thee ! I download all the song by The...
No floathin block ..... Yeah ! I see you had change the midle and its cool but where are the lift ? ( First version got a Hammer and a lift in one...
I was follow that map over 1 months and they she are ! The second version are beter than the first ! Good map , i really love your lift and your...
Wow i really love the firts picture because she got the most aehtectics of the map !
I could help you for your conquest map . I had start a map but inever finish im ! I could test it when it gonna be finish !
Srry but its not your map . V1D30 GUY did the same for him last map pack ! The base the midlle and the sniper spawn the same , the same , the...
Weapon are good but change the over spawn because the over are on the SMG . Maybe do a drop weapon systeme on tghe power weapon !
Good map i really love your base but Its your weapon . First a sniper in each base is okay but maybe put it at the first floor of the base ....
Great desing its remind me the old halo map ! Maybe add more AR and carbine for a better gameplay ! Maybe play with the lights effect !...
i just have 1 question and it is could we go out of the map with a simple nade jump ?
Wow the aesthetic are so great ! Maybe but it to be a TS map with a red side and a blue side . Maybe delete the lift because you could go to easy...
Maybe a Wraith could be to big ! Question ... The wraith do go faster to go on the pad ?
So its compleply not the same map ? But it look like Epivolc !
Ya Green square are from a modded map its not a effect you add made and the pics looks great . Maybe take the same kind of pidture with a sand...
I hope the second version could be better but the first version was Great to !
Me and CowboyPickle race on it and it was very cool to pass under the beast ! Your Snake Tunnel are so great ! Good desing and We wait for a...